Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Strut Song: Beyonce- "Pretty Hurts"

Happy Tuesday, Youvies!

We're back with a Strut Song this week! We know you've heard it, but we encourage you to really take in the message the incomparable Beyonce belts out in "Pretty Hurts".  

Here's our favorite lyric: 
"Pretty hurts 
We shine a light on whatever's worst 
Perfection is a disease of a nation 
Pretty hurts
We shine a light on whatever's worst
Tryna fix something but you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs the surgery" 

While you're listening we hope you'll be inspired to love all of you. It's been said time and time again, but it really is true that all of your flaws and imperfections really are what make you you. Embrace them and love yourself, Youvies! All it takes is a little shift in perception. As Beyonce says, "It's the soul that needs the surgery". Just in case you need a little Beyonce-themed inspiration to get you started, check out this Tumblr which encourages young women to send in their selfies without makeup or filters to demonstrate their real, natural beauty. Check out all of the beautiful ladies who really did wake up like this, Just click the link below.

Until next time, 
Hey DeJa You! 

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