Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School

Hello again, Youvies!

Well, it's that time of the year again, BACK TO SCHOOL! Am I the only one excited? Alright then. New school years are a great time to make some changes and what better way to show everyone than with a new and improved style, and we here at DeJa You are here to help! Let's get started!

High School:

If you're in high school, you really get a lot of freedoms (unless you went to our high school then forget about it), but what we mean is that it's a time to explore your own personal sense of style because there are no incredibly strict guidelines you'll have to adhere to. However, high school isn't all about t-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts. There are plenty of options out there that'll keep you looking great, but ready for everything high school has to offer. Check them out below.

Back to School: High School
Back to School: High School

Back to School: High School
Back to School: High School


For all those who are just starting college and universities, congratulations! While you're out there exploring your new found freedoms, slip on your confidence and explore your personal style! When your heading out to that lecture everyday make sure you make an effort. There's nothing worse than seeing that cutie in the next row decked out in sweats and an old t-shirt they got that one year they played soccer. Don't be that person. Below we have some examples that will keep you comfortable and looking great!

Back to School: College
Back to School:College


Back to School: College

Back to School: College

What did you think, Youvies? What we love about each of the pieces used in our collages is that they are all versatile. You can easily pair them with many different pieces so you can keep switching up your look ultimately creating a cost-effective, stylish wardrobe for the new school year. Who doesn't love that? Good luck out there, Youvies! 

Hey DeJa You!

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