Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Skin Care

Hello, Youvies!

With the change in the weather, comes a change in skincare! There’s no denying that our skin takes quite the hit when it comes to the change in seasons. Don’t fret! We’ve gathered a myriad of ways to help your skin retain its glow! Let's get started! 

Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
Nobody likes dry skin. Not you, not your mother, not your significant other, not your dog, not your cat, nobody! So, to keep everyone happy, remember to keep your skin hydrated; preferably on a daily basis. The best time to apply your lotion or crème (which is preferred during this time of year) is right after you’ve dried off from your shower or bath. Your skin is open and ‘absorbent’ enough at this time to retain even more moisture than if you were to do this hours after your shower or bath. This is a method Jazzi swears by!

Crème de la Crème
Switch from lotion to cream. As the season’s air becomes drier, your skin needs a thicker moisturizer. During this time of year, crème is preferred, but lotions certainly don’t hurt. This can probably be left up to preference.

Don't Forget Sunscreen!
Summer has come and gone, so you can skimp out on the sunscreen, right? No. Ohhhh no. Sunscreen is a daily essential that can save you from weather-induced premature wrinkling of the skin…or worse.
Use a moisturizer with a minimum SPF of 15 and reapply with a facial sunscreen throughout the day as needed. For you those with sensitive facial skin (either irritation or breakouts) there is sunscreen made just for you! Just know your skin and look around. Most can be found in your Walgreens or CVS

Feet need Love Too!
Probably the least paid-attention to during these cooler months are your feet. They’re subjected to nothing but full-covered boots, shoes and thick socks all season long. Don’t forget to exfoliate and take care of these. Especially, since they’re so supportive of you (see what we did there?)
◦Protect your lips. Start moisturizing now to prevent dry, cracked lips this winter. Use a non-petroleum based lip balm for best results.

Cuticle Oil
You know the scenario all too well. You’re strolling along, minding your own business when suddenly your finger skin decides to peel like a banana and snag on any and every thing you come across. Sucks, doesn’t it? Well, there’s a remedy for that too! That terrible split occurs simply because your skin is dried out (you didn’t have that problem during summer did you? Nope!). There is cuticle oil that can also be found in your local drugstore. However, the lotion/crème out of the shower trick works just as well!

There you go Youvies! Here are your tips to protect and maintain your beautiful skin through these chillier months!

Have you any skincare tips for the season? Comment below or e-mail us at!

Until next time, 
Hey DeJa You! 

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