Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Strut Song: Taylor Swift "Shake It Off"

Happy Tuesday, Youvies!

Lately, life here at Team DeJa You has been a little hectic so we decided to take a little time to refocus our energy so we can get back to struting it out with you, our fantastic readers! But enough of this mushy stuff! We're back this week with a new strut song! Now, only half of Team DeJa (The De) are a fan of this next strut songstress, but the song we feel has an important message layed over one sick beat. See what we did there? Yeah you did. Enough chatter! It's "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift!

Here's our (Derrick's) favorite lyric:

"But I keep cruising
Can't stop won't stop moving
It's like I got this music in my mind 
saying it's gonna be alright"

Check out the video below: 

What we like about this song is the message; keep loving yourself no matter what regardless of what everyone else is saying. And we think that's a perfect way to go through life. 

So what did you think, Youvies? Is there a song that helps you conquer your day? Let us know and we just might use it! 

Until next time, 
Hey DeJa You 

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