Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Basics: Accessories

Ello Youvies!

This week is all about accessories!

Accessories are an easy way to add your own flair and personality to an outfit, but choosing the right accessories is the key to taking your look to the next level.

Over the weeks here at DeJa You you may have seen us put a lot of accessories with our outfits and may be asking yourself how you can rock some statement accessories. Well, we're here to help! Let's get started!

Here are some basic tips when choosing accessories:

  • If you're just starting out, start small. I know it's tempting to buy every single ring at Charming Charlie (they're just so shiny) or all of the bow ties at Topman (I mean seriously, they have a wooden one), but be sure to start with pieces that you know you'll feel comfortable enough to wear. 
  • Don't over do it. Putting on too many accessories ultimately distracts from the outfit. Remember, accessories are meant as an enhancement and not a focal point. 
  • If you're wearing a colorful outfit, pick accessories that match those colors. On the contrary, if your wearing a more neutral outfit, use accessories to add a pop of color or add a pattern to add some visual interest. 
  • Be you! Accessories are a definite way to tell people about who are you so pick accessories that say something about you. Whether you're edgy, sexy, strong, quiet, or bubbly your accessories should tell your story. 
  • Have fun! Accessories give you the opportunity to be just as unique as you are so take advantage of it and find your niche in the vast, crazy world of accessories. 

Get the Look 






What did you think, Youvies? There are literally thousands of options out there so have fun and be creative! Do you want to show us your favorite accessories? Send us your pictures to or with #DeJaYou for a chance to be featured! 

Until next time, 
Hey DeJa You! 

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