Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Strut Song: Labrinth- "Express Yourself"

Happy Tuesday, Youvies! 

Here we are again for another Strut Song! We hope last week's song helped you to feel confident enough to see yourself through any situation like Ms. Mary J Blige. This week's Strut Song is a bit more lighthearted with "Express Yourself" from one of our favorite artists, Labrinth. We're sure you've heard it, but really soak in his message while you're out there killin' it! 

Here's our favorite lyric from the very beginning of the song: 

 "Say the same thing twice, I'm awkward when I speak
Ain't got the perfect smile, don't turn heads on my street
Trying to be a superstar like everybody else
But being myself is something I do well"

Check out the video below! 

What did you think, Youvies? Is there a song that helps you conquer your day? Let us know in the comments! Now get out there and express yo' self! 

Hey DeJa You! 

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