Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Strut Song: Mary J Blige "Just Fine"

Hello Youvies!

We hope you enjoyed your flawless selves last week! This week we're going a little less sassy and a little more soulful with the incomparable Mary J Blige and her song "Just Fine". This song is not only upbeat and positive, but has a really amazing message.

The song's message or Mary's voice though is not the only reason why this is out Strut Song. Mary J Blige also has a story; she herself has struggled with severe depression, self hate and wanting to commit suicide. Throughout her childhood and teenage years she dealt with severe abuse and carried that pain over into her adult life and music career.

So, the song "Just Fine" is not only an upbeat song with a good message, but one that comes from a person genuinely finding the light within themselves. That to us is a beautiful thing. You can see her story here on Half Of Us.

Here's our favorite lyric:
"So I like what I see when I'm looking at me
When I'm walking past the mirror
No stress through the night at a time in my life 
Ain't worried 'bout if you feel it 
Got my head on straight, I got my mind right
I ain't gonna let you kill it 
You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's 
Just Fine"

Check out the video below!

What did you think, Youvies? Do you have a song that helps you conquer your day? Is there a song that has helped you battle your own inner demons? Let us know! Enjoy your life and feel good about yourself! Show us your confidence by emailing your pictures to teamdejayou@gmail.com or with #DeJaYou. 

Until next time, 
Hey Deja You! 

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