Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Self Love Isn't Selfish Love

You love you family. You love your friends. You can your pet. You can that new gift you’ve just rewarded yourself with. You can love that tv show or musician….but why not yourself?

There seems to be some sort of stigma that you don’t deserve to love yourself; or that, to love yourself, means that you are selfish. That’s not the case.

Why shouldn’t you love yourself? It’s a divine thing as long as you are careful you aren’t overstepping boundaries, here. We don’t want to create a narcissistic army here, you feel?? What we’re trying to say is, out of everyone in this world; out of SEVEN BILLION people, you are the one that deserves your love the most. Why?

Bottom line: you’re stuck with yourself. You can make changes yes. You can lose/gain weight, dye your hair, get surgery to alter your appearance (we love you as you are!)bottom line, you cannot change your foundation. You are you for the rest of your life so the biggest favor you can do for yourself is to love yourself.

This is not selfishness

It’s a healthy kind of love. Of course you need not climb the mountaintops and profess your love for yourself nor build yourself a shrine or monument….that’s a bit much.

Wake up everyday and say, “It’s a great day, and so am I!”

Do not allow your worth to be validated by the love of others (and for your sake, PLEASE don’t allow social media to validate your existence! Remember Self Respect > Likes)

We understand it can be hard to love yourself. We’ve both been there. Your pores are too big, your skin uneven, your chin too large and your teeth are a bit crooked; your belly sticks out more than it should and you don’t fit into a size zero; you don’t have washboard abs and there’s no gap between your thighs. You stare at these imperfections in the mirror and dread showing these off to the world outside.

Darlings! You’re looking for the pimple on the prince/princess! The artist is the greatest critique of his masterpiece! You’re a canvas and a work of art you are! You’re being much too harsh on yourself and, in all honesty, that blemish/mole/scar/crooked nose or teeth/other concern of yours isn’t even seen in the eyes of another! You think we’re blowing smoke? Check out this very uplifting video made by the lovely folks of Dove:

Please, love yourself. That crooked smile you despise is utterly charming in the eyes of another, believe us; because it makes you….you

Love yourself, Youvies!

A knight in shining armor is a knight who has never seen battle! You are strong and courageous! Love the skin you’re in!

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