My name is Derrick, or Caramel Delight for the right price,
but we can talk about that later. ;) I grew up in the small town of Tehachapi,
California. A town of trains, majestic mountains, and…well, I guess that’s it.
Growing up I always had a love for fashion, but it wasn’t until college, when I
had my own money, that I was really able to explore what it means to be a ‘fashionista’.
Prior to that, though, I had my own struggles. Throughout my entire life I had
no confidence and I had issues with self-esteem. As a result I had troubles
making friends and spent a lot of time alone…surfing fashion blogs of course.
Then I began to experiment; I would try to mimic the different looks I saw and
attempted to find a style that suited me. I can remember shopping at Forever 21
and thinking “I read that stripes were trending, so I’ll look for something
with stripes”. But, something was
missing. Sure I looked like the people in magazines and blogs, but it wasn’t
right. Something was definitely missing and I wasn’t happy. This is when I
started to experiment further and put together outfits that were fashionable
AND made me feel amazing. The latter was the missing element and also the most
Fashion to me is an outlet; I am able to let people know who
I am without having to say anything. When I put on my favorite blazer and
oxfords I’m ready to conquer the world. That’s what I believe fashion is all
about. To quote Mother Monster “Fashion—looking good and feeling fine”.
I’m Jasmine, the second half of DeJa You! As with Derrick, I
also grew up in the microscopic town of Tehachapi (Where?? It exists! I
swear!). Growing up, I never thought of myself as a fashionista. I did not
enjoy trying on clothes. I didn’t care what I wore and I feel now that was part
of the reason for my lack of confidence. In a town where racial and cultural
diversity were almost non-existent, I felt like the odd girl out. There was no
one else who ‘looked’ like me. I was not the girl all the guys clamored over. I
was not the girl adored by everyone. In fact, I almost felt like a ghost; and
it didn’t help that ‘I suffered through the merciless nemesis known as ACNE (I
heard that collective groan! We all know that pain don’t we?). In college, I
finally began to wrap my mind around the idea to ‘love myself’. Once I embraced
that I was my own kind of beautiful (and that I felt good when I looked good) everything
else began to fall into place. Now, I accept that I am fierce, I am beautiful
and I am fabulous! I want you all to feel exactly what I feel; not to only LOOK
good but to FEEL good! Confidence can pull together most (!) outfits, but can
destroy any! We’ll teach you how to wield this almighty weapon most
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